In the mood to up your epi skills? This is the new ESCMID-SHEA course that was given for the first time in Australia last year (at least the first two tracks). It consists of a plenary part and 3 separate tracks. The first track is a practical exercise how to analyze a high rate of surgical site infections. Based on the results you have to draw conclusions and decide on an intervention. Finally you will determine if this has been effective.
The second track is a practical exercise how to analyze a possible outbreak with Clostridium difficile. Based on the results you will identify possible risk factors and routes of transmission. Finally you will take control measures and determine the effects.
The first two parts will require the use of a laptop with SPSS (for at least some of the participants) as participants will actually solve the problems. Don’t worry help is around, data-sets cleaned and the syntax is (just in case) written. It is actually a great way to get back into SPSS use.
The third track consists of four interactive master-classes. Faculty members will show some practical situations, which they have encountered during their careers. It will include outbreaks, high endemic rates of healthcare related infections, infections in the operating theatre and other topics.
Have a look at the folder: Training Course in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Control. While part of the faculty, Eli and I will probably not be around this year, as we transfer the old course (October 2016, Vietnam) to a new faculty of (even) younger colleagues.